Natural Areas and Turfgrass Weed Management | California DPR Approved

Instructor: Sarah Racine

Common Turfgrass Weeds

Managing weeds in a turf stand can be a tricky proposition. Often times the client fails to recognize that the presence of weeds in a turf stand is the result of poor turf, not the cause. Correct identification of the problem weed is a must of developing a management strategy, as is a working knowledge of weed biology and how herbicides work. This chapter will provide applicators with a good foundation from which to build their knowledge.

After completing this chapter participants will be able to:

  • Explain the major similarities and differences between weeds and turf
  • Identify common turfgrass weeds
  • Explain how herbicides work

Natural Areas Weed Management

This chapter is for agricultural pesticide applicators who want to become certified as commercial or public applicators of restricted-use pesticides for the control of natural areas. It outlines various invasive weeds in natural areas and how an applicator should go about treating natural areas with respect to wildlife and the environment.

After completing this chapter participants will be able to:

  • Identify which equipment and pesticide product should be used in each application.
  • Identify various applications in natural areas.