Arizona PMD Wood Destroying 6 Credit Bundle

This course bundle is designed for Arizona Applicators as licensed by the Pest Management Division. The course bundle contains 6 credits of training approved the the Arizona Department of Agriculture for PMD credit. Please click on course details for a list of specific courses.


  • Structure Infesting Pest Management – 3 credits
  • Structure Invading Pest Management – 3 credits


Wood-Destroying Pest Management

Course Description

Termites are just one of the many wood-destroying pests found throughout the United States. Carpenter ants, powderpost beetles, and wood-damaging fungi can also cause severe structural damage if not properly managed. Often times the initial cause of any pest problem is the presence of excess moisture in the structural wood. The source of the excess moisture must be addressed for a permanent solution to the pest problem to be effective. This course will cover the primary wood-destroying pests found through the country, the recommended treatments for each of those pests, and the primary sources of excess structural moisture.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Explain the different laws that govern pesticide applications
  • Describe termite biology, caste system, and physical characteristics
  • Identify other wood-destroying insects such as carpenter ants, powderpost beetles, and carpenter bees
  • Explain the different types of termite treatments
  • Describe the different types of wood-damaging fungi and outline standard treatment procedures
  • Identify common sources of excess moisture within a structure

Structure Infesting Pest Management

Course Description

Having a clear understanding of the hierarchy of insect classification is important. It helps us better understand the background of our pest decide the best course of action in controlling the pest. This course will cover some of the structure infesting pests commonly encountered by structural pesticide applicators and technicians.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Describe the different stages of insect growth, development and metamorphosis
  • Distinguish the different types of cockroaches and discuss effective management options
  • Distinguish ants and termites and discuss effective management options for ants
  • Distinguish the different types of stored product and fabric pests and discuss effective management options
  • Describe the difference between silverfish and firebrats
  • Describe the different types of fleas and discuss effective management options for each

Structure Invading Pest Management

Course Description

As a pest control technician, it’s important to be familiar with the pests in the region as well as where they reproduce. Some pests like honeybees and spiders will generally live and reproduce outside but will also invade a structure if it finds a suitable living area. In some cases, it is difficult to determine if the designated living space is inside or outside. This course covers the identification and management of pests that generally live outside but will invade a structure if the conditions are favorable.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Identify common flying pests, describe their life cycle, and describe proper pest management procedures
  • Identify common spiders, describe the habitat and life cycles, and describe proper management procedures
  • Differentiate and identify common types of ticks, lice, and mites
  • Identify which types of ticks, lice, and mites carry disease
  • Identify miscellaneous structural invaders and describe proper management procedures